Makozers Underwear

Makozers is a well known local brand for good quality cotton clothing. They needed to modernize their online profile by creating a fresh website, moving away from an outdated contact info only webpage.
We had to turn a simple cotton manufacturer into a fashion boutique. After rolling our creative sleeves we decided to build a responsive website with an impressive, fresh design while keeping it friendly to its users.
How it was made
The Setting
Our design team wanted to give a fresh and modern identity to the company and used the innovative parallax effect. Professional photography, slideshows and clever layout completed the optical results. It made the company modern and relevant to its users.

Responsive Design
One of our top priorities was to make the website look great to every device. Since users these days use multiple screens on a daily basis we had to make sure the website plays nice on every one of them, from the largest to the smallest screen.