
Design and develop a great looking portfolio website for Daskalo. It needs to be connect to all social networks, be responsive, be fast and SEO friendly.
Our creative team designed and developed a single page portfolio website that has super fast loading times due to clever caching despite the fact that is loaded with images, as expected.
How it was made

Setting Goals
Manliness, professionalism, freshness and elegance were the characteristics we wanted to give to this website.
The goal of this project was to promote some of our client’s best and featured work by creating a design that appealed to the fashion world. We used a minimal single-page responsive layout with an elegant and powerful design.
Naturally this job has a necessity for social networking. Social networks have become the place to follow the artist and access more and newer material from his work.
The Fast and The Furious
There is no doubt that a model's portfolio website will have a big amount of images. There is also no doubt that images are the single most heavy content on a website.
We separated the thumbnails from the large photographs and loaded them differently. Thumbnails were extremely compressed to achieve the best quality to size ratio. We had a better quality, high definition files for the lightbox images that are loaded only when the user clicks to see them. Finally we added a watermark feature that helps protect Daskalo's and the photographers intellectual property rights.

We all know that mobile is the future. All our pages are developed to be fully responsive and to be fully usable no matter the device you look at them at. Daskalo's website was no different. It plays well and loads fast in all screens.
Color Palette

Fashion world is spectacular. In terms of design though chic-professional presentation is the most admired among the industry. Clean and minimalistic interfaces are a hit among creative people.
We selected the colors after a lengthy research in order to achieve this classy yet powerful result. Soft shades of grey transfuse youthfulness and freshness. The intense red tint gives a modern and innovative touch whereas the dark grey completes the details by giving a feeling of professionalism and authority. With the same goals in mind we chose the font family "Titillium Web", a thin, clean and modern font for a creative and smooth result.
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